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ICAI CA Foundation Result 2022 Declared

The ICAI declared its Intermediate result for Nov’22 exams on 10th Jan’23 at around 9.15 am on their official website – icai.nic.in
Please enter your details (registration no. and roll no.) on the website to check you

Students get their result through email as well as SMS. You need to register your mail ID and mobile number to get the result on them.

In this article, we will go through the process on how to check the Foundation result along with the merit list, pass percentage, revaluation of marks and much more.

When will ICAI declare CA Foundation Dec 2022 Result?

On its official website, the ICAI CA Foundation Dec 2022 result is currently available. The CA Foundation 2023 result date is listed in the table below:

Particulars Dates
CA Foundation Exam 14th,16th, 18th ,20th Dec’22
CA Foundation Dec’22 Result 3rd Feb’23
Result Website icai.nic.in




How to check the exam result?

To check the CA Foundation exam result, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Visit the official website of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) at icai.nic.in.

  1. Select the “Foundation: Dec 2022” option.

  1. Enter your roll number, registration number, and the captcha code.

  1. Click on the "Check Results" button.

  1. Your CA Foundation exam result will be displayed on the screen.

  1. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.

Please note that the ICAI will also release a merit list of the top 50 students who have scored the highest marks in the CA Foundation exam.




How to Get the CA Foundation Result 2022 by email?

Visit icaiexam.icai.org and sign up for the Email service to receive your December 2022 CA Foundation result via email. The email registration link on ICAI's website has been clicked on. On the date of the result, the registered students will receive their CA Foundation score.

In order to sign up for the email service:

  • Log in to the ICAI website using your email address and password. On the off chance that your email id isn't confirmed, then initially check your email id.
  • Click on the "Email Registration" link that you see there.
  • Assuming you really want any assistance while enlisting, you can reach them with the helpline numbers. They are: 0120 3054, 851 and 853; 0120 4953, 751, 752, and 754.


How to Get the CA Foundation Result 2022 by SMS?

To receive your CA, Foundation result for December 2022 exams via SMS, write the following message on your phone:

CAFND(Space)XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the Foundation (IPC) roll number), for instance CAFND 123456. Send the message to 57575 right now. All mobile services can use this facility.




In case of forgetting the Login Credentials

In the event that you fail to remember your accreditations to check the CA Foundation Nov’11 result, then, at that point, you can follow the choices underneath:

  • Helpline Number-If your admit card is likewise lost, you can contact the ICAI helpline number. You can make reference to your issue and give essential information like your name, your parent’s names, and so on. After check, they'll give you the login qualifications. ICAI helpline numbers - 0120 3054, 851, 852, 853, 854 and 835 or 0120 4953, 751, 752, 753 and 754.
  • Admit Card - In the event that you've your CA Foundation admit card, you can check the enrolment and roll number. This information is accessible on the admit card.
  • E-Sahayta - Other than that, you can visit the site of ICAI and sign in with your email id. From that point onward, you can look for your inquiry and get the necessary arrangement.




CA Foundation Passing Criteria

The passing criteria for the CA Foundation exam are as follows:

  1. Candidates must secure a minimum of 40% marks in each subject.

  1. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all the subjects.

  1. If a candidate fails to secure the minimum marks in any one subject, but has scored 60 or more marks in any one of the other subjects, the candidate will be deemed to have passed the examination.

  1. The candidate must pass in single attempt all the 4 papers to term themselves as passed.

Candidates who meet the above criteria will be considered as "passed" in the CA Foundation exam and will be eligible to register for the CA Intermediate course.




CA Foundation Dec’22 Pass percentage

Particulars Male students Female Students Total
Appeared students 68,294 57,721 126,015
Passed students 20,195 16,669 36,864
Pass Percentage 29.57% 28.88% 29.25




What to do after CA Foundation Result Dec’22?

Congratulations on taking the CA Foundation exam! After the results are released in December 2022, you will have several options depending on your results:

  1. If you pass the exam: Congratulations! You can move on to the next level, which is CA Intermediate. The CA Intermediate registrations for the Nov 2023 attempt are open till March 1, 2023.
  2. If you fail the exam: Don't worry; you can reappear for the exam in the next attempt which is Jun’23 attempt. Analyse your performance and work on your weak areas to improve your chances of success. The examination form will be available from 3rd Feb to 24th Feb’23 for your next attempt.

Here are some general tips to follow after your CA Foundation results:

  1. Evaluate your performance: Regardless of your result, it is important to analyse your performance. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them.
  2. Plan your next steps: If you pass, start preparing for the next level, CA Intermediate. If you fail, create a plan to study harder and better next time.
  3. Seek guidance: If you are unsure about your next steps, seek guidance from a mentor or a senior CA. They can help you plan your next steps and answer your queries.
  4. Stay motivated: Remember that success takes time and effort. Stay motivated and focused on your goals.
  5. Stay updated: Keep yourself updated on the latest developments and changes in the CA curriculum and industry. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions.

Good luck with your future endeavours!